Wednesday, October 29, 2008

personal essay

I thought that the personal essay was both easy and had.It was easy because it was all about me and who better to tell about someone than that person.It was easy because it was all about me and who better to tell about someone than that person. It was also hard to because I had to dig deep and try to find what my life meant to me and how I am grateful and everything it also got me to look at my life in perspectives that I hadn’t even thought of before.
It was really different from other things that I had written because this was about me and about all the people that I love. It wasn’t something that I could make up or have something exciting happen. I had to write it how my life was and about what things happened to me. I would define a personal essay as a person’s life, but not only ones life but what they have gotten out of it so far and the mistakes that they have learned from and the joys that they have had. It is both the good and the bad times, the times of joy and sorrow. What I really like about personal essays is that they aren’t just some made up fairytale, but they are real accomplishments and real trials that someone had been through. And even though we don’t know the person in real life we can still see what’s on the inside. I think that it is a very good way of getting to know someone. A lot of people judge other people but once they get to know the person they are able to understand why they act a certain way or maybe this is why they have this problem.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

why should the students read it next year?

I think that you should have the students read it next year, because i think that i got alot out of the discusions that we had. I didn’t really get some of the reading but when we talked about it helped me understand what it was talking about and why it is important. It also helped me relate things in real life to the reading. I think that it would be very beneficial for the students next year so that they can relate this reading to their lives.
It was also the first big book that was written in a type of English. The book is like Shakespeare’s books and you can’t go through literature without reading Shakespeare so I think that you cant go through literature without reading the Canterbury Tales. It helps the students appreciate the book because without it who knows where our language would be today.I really think that it would be good for them to read it but I think that it would be better if they read some other parts of the book because the ones that we read were not that interesting and if you got some that were interesting then it wouldn’t be so boring.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Canterbury Tales

I thought that the way that the Canterbury Tales were writin was very cool because it was the first of its kind. It was writin in old english and most of the books were writin in latin. I thought that it was weird that the rich people read it because they thought that old english was not a very proper way to talk.

personal esays

I think that it is so cool that we are doing personal esays in socratic. They sounded really frustrating at first but then as i learnd more about them they got alot mor interesting and I started to understand. I think that this will give us a really good chance to get to know eachother and to get to know peoples life! =)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We had a discussion today in class about what we though was more important, gun powder or the printing press. I was all for the gun powder because so much had come from it and there was so much good from it but also alot of bad. But as the discussion got to an end the people who were on both sides they came to a agreement that they were both important and that they helped the world in different ways and in the same ways. For example the printing press made it so that we could have books and have them be spread all over the world. the gun powder helped us get through mines quicker and to make fire works! Mr. Dye gave a great example that we couldn't have had the American Revolution with out these two objects.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I was so happy that we got to do the Islam projects! They were so much fun! I loved learning about there culture and people. I learned so much more than i would have on my own. It was amazing to me how much they cared for the poor and those who are in need. I loved how Masa came and talked to us about how they prayed 5 times a day and how devoted they were to their religion.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Picture Drawing

Today in class we drew some pictures!! We got to draw Grendel!! All of ours looked so different. Mine looked like Cousin it from the Adams Family. Bennett's looked like a little 2 year olds drawing it was so cute! I'm glad that we get to do this kind of stuff in Socratic!.!.